Petite Marieescreveu: "Inspiration - Ifyou are a blogger you know how much fun it is to check out the immense amount of great ideas out there! Well - to pay homage to the great talented people, I've decided to start posting all kinds of delightful, lovely design as I come across it. Hope it inspires people as I am sure it will inspire me. To start off this "delightful inspiration" is an awesome production by the ladies at . I just stumbled upon their blog and loved everything about it! Check it out!"
Idea Studio responde: Super obrigada pelas suas adoráveis palavras! Saber que inspiramos é a melhor gratificação! Tudo que fazemos é cheio de carinho. Sucesso no seu blog! Bjs, Dani e Cris
Muito obrigada pelo "shoutout"!